JUNE 30 TO JULY 4, 2023
MID-TAC will be celebrating our 100th Year in 2023. We are extending the tournament to five days and four nights this year only! Be ready for a competitive and fun filled celebration with lots of surprises and memorable moments.
TOURNAMENT DATES: June 30 – July 4, 2023, Indianapolis, IN.
CHECK-IN: Friday, June 30th Marriott Indianapolis North Hotel, 6pm to 10pm est.
TOURNAMENT STARTS: Saturday, July 1st – 8am est.
Tournament Entry/Registration Deadline: June 9, 2023
View the MID-TAC 2023 Tournament Guide For All Sites & Events Here
The below Information and the “Save The Date” portal on this website’s Home Page will help with your 2023 Tournament Participation.
MID-TAC 2023 Championship Tournament for ADULTS on Serve Tennis platform. Use Tournament ID #23-64682 – REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.
MID-TAC 2023 Championship Tournament for JUNIORS & NOVICE on Serve Tennis platform. Use Tournament ID #23-12057 – REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED.
Player’s credit cards will not get charged until you are placed in the appropriate draw(s). Also be aware that any “declined payments” at that time will cause a delay of your entry into the draw(s). Players cannot change a registration once submitted but will be able to withdraw from the tournament prior to it being published. Make sure to confirm that your partner is also properly identified. Players can also set your status as “looking for a partner” on the “Additional Information” step during the registration process. No refunds will be administered once the draws are made. Entry Deadline is June 9, 2023. [Note: There is a pricing error for the Men’s 65 Doubles. The price should be $35 per player not $45. MID-TAC will refund $10 during check-in].
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Instructions to get a USTA Free Account at no charge:
Instructions to get an Adult and children 13 and up USTA Account at no charge:
Go to www.usta.com / Select: Join / Next Select: Tennis Player
Underneath the “Sign In” box choose: Need an Account? Sign Up
You can choose to sign in with a social account: Apple or Facebook OR Sign Up with a “New Account” by entering your email and a password.
The next screen will require the following information: Your first and last name; Date of Birth; Gender Competition Category male or female; Nationality (country you are representing for competition); Communication info: Country USA / Enter Zip Code.
To complete, put a check mark in the box stating that “By checking this box I confirm that I am at least 13 years of age and agree to receive USTA content and accept the terms and Privacy Policy. Then submit completed form to receive Member Number via email.
Instructions to get children 13 and under a USTA Account at no charge:
Go to www.usta.com / Select: Parents option and follow detailed instructions.
MID-TAC “HELP LINK” – Please email all questions to midtactennis@gmail.com. Questions will be routed to the proper person for a response within 48 hours. Your questions can cover any area of the 100th Year Celebration. Thank you for your interest and participation. ALSO CALL USTA FOR TENNIS LINK QUESTIONS: USTA HELP DESK 1-800-990-8782.
ADULT/SENIOR/OPEN/NTRP DIVISIONS and Registration Fees: Singles: $45 per Player / Doubles: $70 per Team. Click Here For Important Adult Tournament Rules
Men’s Singles – 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, Open and NTRP 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
Women’s Singles – 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, Open and NTRP 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
Men’s Doubles – 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, Open and NTRP 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
Women’s Doubles – 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, Open and NTRP 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
Mixed Doubles – 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, Open and NTRP 3.5, 4.0, 4.5
JUNIOR & NOVICE DIVISIONS and Registration Fees: Singles $30 / All Doubles $40 per Team / Novice $25. Click Here For Important Junior/Novice Tournament Rules
Boy’s 8/under Singles
Boy’s 9 & 10 Singles
Boy’s 10/under Singles
Boy’s 12, 14, 16 and 18 Singles *
Boy’s 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 Doubles
Girl’s 8/under Singles
Girl’s 9 & 10 Singles
Girl’s 10/under Singles
Girl’s 12, 14, 16 and 18 Singles *
Girl’s 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18 Doubles
Boy’s and Girl’s – 12 and under Singles
Boy’s and Girl’s – 13 and over Singles
NOTE #1: Consolation Draws will be “First Match Consolation.”
NOTE #2: 8/under – red felt ball, 36′ court
9 & 10 – orange ball, 60′ court
10/under – green dot ball, 78′ court
NOTE #3 – FOR NOVICE: Amateur players with two or less years playing experience and no prior tournament experience. Must be able to serve and keep score. All matches will be 8 game Pro Sets.
*NOTE #4 FOR SCHOLARSHIPS: Main Draw Only: Junior Tennis Camp Scholarship for 1st place winner in each age division. Winners will be presented with a $250 Certificate, together with a 1st place trophy at the finals for their division. Requirements described on the Certificate will have to be completed to receive the actual funds. Singles draws cap at 16 players. See prior winners under the “Junior Scholarship Section” on this website.
Carmel Clay Courts for Seniors;
Tarkington Park for Adults/Opens/NTRP;
West Indy Racquet Club for Juniors; and
Riverside Park [AKA Marion I. Rice Tennis Courts] for overflow.
Marriott Indianapolis North Hotel – (317) 705-0000 or (800) 228-9290
3645 River Crossing Parkway, Indianapolis, In 46240
$172 Per night (King/Double Room)
Reservation Deadline: June 12, 2023
Cancellation Deadline: 72 Hours Prior.
Marriott Reservation Link: CLOSED!
Embassy Suites Indianapolis North – (317) 872-7700
3912 Vincennes Road, Indianapolis, IN 46268
$149 Per night (King/Double Room) – Includes free breakfast and happy hour daily.
Reservation Deadline: June 12, 2023
Cancellation Deadline: 72 hours prior.
Embassy Suites Reservation Link: SOLD OUT!
- FRIDAY at HOST HOTEL: Check-in at the Marriott. “Goody bags, refreshments for everyone, see Draws and Historical Display – 6:00pm est.
- FRIDAY at HOST HOTEL: 100th Year Celebration Welcome – 7:00pm est.
- SATURDAY play begins at all sites at 8:00am est.
- SATURDAY NIGHT at Tarkington Park – Family and Friends Evening In The Park! 6pm to 8:30pm – Tickets $20.00 per person. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE! Limited spots!
- SUNDAY play continues at all sites at 8:00am est.
- SUNDAY NIGHT BANQUET at Marriott Indianapolis North Hotel, 6pm to 11pm est. (Dinner at 7pm). 100th Year Celebration Program with Special Guests, Recognition, Dinner, Dancing, Raffles and Cash Bar. – $75.00 Adult tickets and $60 Junior tickets. Select a Member Club Table for seating. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE!
- MONDAY play begins at all sites at 8:00am est.
- MONDAY NIGHT MEMBER CLUB APPRECIATION EVENTat Embassy Suites Indianapolis North, 7pm to 11pm. Member Club Displays, Recognition, Refreshments, Silent Auction and Cash Bar. – $30.00 per person. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE!
- TUESDAY Finals with trophy presentations at all sites. [Possible departing “4th of July Spread” at all sites].

You can purchase the “100th Year $100 Celebration Packet” which includes the three events on Saturday, Sunday & Monday. See details above. Adults save $25 and Juniors save $10. Packet Deadline is June 12, 2023. Select a Member Club Table for seating. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE 3 EVENT PACKET!
MID-TAC is the Preferred Tournament for Adults and Premier Tournament for Juniors!
- Ruth Grissom, Tournament Administrator
- JACK BARTON, JR., Tournament Director
(l to r) Rita Patterson – Secretary, Paula Lewis – Parliamentarian, Bruce Stone – Treasurer, Shirley Roach – Vice President, Margaret Dorsey – President