Club Name: Tennis All Stars
Address: 1700 W. Market Street #210. Akron, OH 44313
Contact person: Robert E. Morse (330) 338-7697
Club Website Name: tennisallstars.org
Club email: tennisallstars1@aol.com
MISSION STATEMENT: Tennis AllStars, Inc. is a program designed to promote positive and healthy decision-making by youth from ages 8 to 18 years who are at risk for making negative decisions that result in detrimental and limiting life choices. Tennis AllStars seeks to positively impact the lives of youth by helping them to address a number of personal and social issues such as obesity, substance abuse, violence, gang activities, and premature sexual activities. An ultimate aim is to aid youth in becoming productiv,e contributing citizens.
Executive Director: Robert E. Morse III
Juniors Development Chairperson: Robert E. Morse III
OTHER PERTINENT INFORMATION ABOUT OUR CLUB: Please visit our website for current programming and events.