Club Name: MLK Tennis Buffs, Inc.
City and State: St. Paul, Minnesota
Contact Phone No.: (612) 618-1783
Club Location (tennis courts): Martin Luther King Park, 271 Mackubin St., Paul, MN
Club Website Name:
Club email: stingley@northern.usta.com
MISSION STATEMENT: “The Buffs” is established for the purposes of promoting the development of recreational tennis within the African-American/Black community (hereafter called “the community”), including the development of junior and adult programs and the cultivation of tennis play and social interaction between its members and with other tennis clubs.
President: Ozzie Johnson
Vice President: Harvey Rupert
Secretary: Tony Stingley
Tresurer: Harold Bridgeman
- Adult/Youth free lesson program (Summer)
- Daily tennis competition (Spring, Summer, Fall)
- Monthly cookouts and tennis parties (Summer)
- Monthly tennis parties (Fall, Winter, Spring)
If you’re visiting the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in the spring, summer or fall, you can always get a tennis match. MLK Tennis Buffs members play every evening after work (5:30 pm) and on the weekends (2:00 pm) at Martin Luther King Park, 271 Mackubin St., St. Paul, MN