NTA – MID-TAC Juneteenth Celebration
Success was the word of the day to describe the Newburg Tennis Association’s participation in the first annual Juneteenth Midwest Tennis Association (Mid Tac) local youth Tennis Fun Day and Louisville regional tournament.
Hosted at the Petersburg Park Tennis facility in the historical African-American Newburg neighborhood, the day kicked off with registration, music and gift bags presented to each participant. Each gift bag contained a commemorative Juneteenth event T-shirt, various give-a-ways and a special informational flyer explaining the history behind and significance of the Juneteenth celebration. We also explained to participants the NTA’s relationship as a member organization of Mid Tac.
While registration was taking place, players were able to take advantage of on court warm up drills conducted by Newburg Tennis volunteer pros at various levels.
When numbers became suitable in various age brackets and divisions, a blind draw was conducted for tournament play. Players were able to get multiple opportunities to play to determine winners in four divisions. Some divisions were mixed gender, making for some very competitive play.
Near tournament end a complimentary lunch of Papa John pizza and wings were served to participants, their parents and guests. This was followed by a Free Raffle for players for additional prize items.
The day was very well received by players and parents alike, prompting many to ask about Newburg Tennis Association’s future events.