Please read below in its entirety and take the appropriate steps as it relates to you, your junior player or your Member Club.
We hope that all of you have been able to make the necessary adjustments for the devastation of the Coronavirus Pandemic. 2020 was the first year in over 60 years that the MID-TAC Annual Championship Tournament was not held. We missed having it and we missed having you there! Prayers go out to anyone who has lost someone to the coronavirus. Unfortunately it is still not under control. The on-going health crisis along with the racism and economic crisis has us all on edge. 2020 is going to be a major year for change. Voting by mail is being challenged so we suggest everyone vote early and stay safe.
Please submit 2020 Member Club Dues if you have not done so already. The new Member Club Dues is $100.00. Please print it from this website under MID-TAC Downloads..
Please send an email to midtactennis@gmail.com if you want to be in the FALL GENERAL MEETING CONFERENCE CALL scheduled for Saturday, October 3, 2020 from 9am to Noon cdt. Put in the Subject Line: MID-TAC 2020 Fall General Meeting
Note: This is an election year. The 2020 Nominating Committee Slate is listed below. You will have a chance to vote for each candidate during the FALL GENERAL MEETING CONFERENCE CALL. You must be on the call to vote. If you cannot attend the conference call but want to vote, send an email by September 24, 2020 with your choices to midtactennis@gmail.com Put in the Subject Line: MID-TAC 2020 Vote
Even though the slate is uncontested, MID-TAC is required to have a quorum vote to elect officers.
Fall General Meeting 2020 Nominating Committee Uncontested Slate
President – Margaret Dorsey (Chicago, IL)
Vice President – Shirley Roach (Chicago, IL)
Secretary – Rita Patterson (Louisville, KY)
Treasurer – Bruce Stone (Louisville, KY)
Parliamentarian – Paula Lewis (Cleveland, OH) [Appointed Position]
[Non-attendance e-mails will be forwarded to the Nominating Committee].
Please send an email to midtactennis@gmail.com if you would like to be included in the MID-TAC 2021 TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE CONFERENCE CALL scheduled for Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 8:00pm cdt to discuss the possible plans for the Annual Championship Tournament in Indianapolis, IN July 2-5, 2021. We are also looking for Committee Members and volunteers. Please put in the Subject Line: 2021 Tournament Committee
We are especially concerned to keep our juniors safe and hope that everyone has been able to safely continue schooling at home with adequate support and equipment.
Note: Any Junior who won 1st, 2nd or 3rd place in the Main Draw in 2019 will be able to apply for the 2021 Junior Scholarship if we are able to hold the 2021 Annual Championships. Please visit this website (midtactennis.org) often for announcements and updates after the September 15th and October 3rd Conference Calls.
How likely are you (and your juniors) to attend the 2021 Annual Championship Tournament with reduced social aspects like no junior party, no adult party and limiting your direct contact with other players for safety protocols? – Please send an email response to midtactennis@gmail.com Put in the Subject Line: 2021 MID-TAC Tournament
Please feel free to send us an email with any other specific questions or concerns to midtactennis@gmail.com. We are keeping close tabs on developments throughout tennis communities, cities, states and the CDC for recommendations as the virus continues to be a problem. Tennis is vital in our lives and we hope to be able to bring our players together in safe environments that will allow us to enjoy the game with the least fears.